Sunday, February 15, 2009

Research and draft...

Since for the first step I should have reasonable knowledge about biological skin, last week I spent most of my time on reading a number of books and papers in this case and made some notes as follows:

1- Natural systems function without waste
2- .............................................within an integrated web of relationships and interdependence
3- ............................ are efficient
4- ............................ are hierarchical organizations
5- ............................ are closed loops, therefore there is an iterative feedback mechanism and the process is dynamic
6- Integration of material capabilities with structural and functional requirements
7- All living organism are interconnected and inter related from superficial to deeper, and so on... .
1- Natural skins are composed of epidermis (outer skin) and dermis (inner skin),
2- All living organism are composed of hereditary unit,DNA.

Therefore in order to design 'the facade as an integrated system-biological synergy", I need to further draw on information already gathered by ecologists and biologists.
In the forthcoming days I'm going to do more research and find a way of "How translate nature to architecture?", "How translate skin to facade?", "How translate biological aspects to physical aspects?"


  1. Hi Sara,

    I guess you already know him, if not check Greg Keeffe’s work – here the link of an interesting presentation fitting your research topic.

    Beside your investigations on biological systems, I would recommend you to start thinking (even better working on) architectural elements. I.e. selections of materials, available technologies that might be related with the biological aims you are investigating, limits, applications and so on.

    Other general recommendations for tomorrow have been sent to all of you by e-mail.


  2. In addition to the previous comment:

    As adviced during last class, you could have a look also at Lidia Badarnah's work - and even better, directly talk to her if you did not yet (she is a phd researcher at our Faculty).

    "Imagine Facades" could provide you ideas as well - you can check it on-line in google scholar

    However once more, please on the base of the work you did last week, better formulate your research proposal: hypothesis, problem statement, research question, results you want to achieve, methodology you are going to follow (including digital support you are using).

