As I mentioned before I want to design a porous polyhedral lattice inspired by sponge structure in order to absorb condensation water made on the facade. I am going to design a 3d-facade with various size openings (pores) extruded and scaled through the facade in order to have a chaotic porous lattice, hence for modeling I want to use GC.
For the first step, I want to sketch a simple plane included modular circle pores with adjustable radius to react to the indoor RH amount. For this aim RH range was assumed as a control point in modeling to control the pores size in order to increase contact surface with indoor air, so more absorption becomes possible.
On the other hand, in this case daylight control can be the second application of this design by a control system in the facade which can make a decision to adjust the system with RH or daylight in critical conditions.
For the first step, I want to sketch a simple plane included modular circle pores with adjustable radius to react to the indoor RH amount. For this aim RH range was assumed as a control point in modeling to control the pores size in order to increase contact surface with indoor air, so more absorption becomes possible.
On the other hand, in this case daylight control can be the second application of this design by a control system in the facade which can make a decision to adjust the system with RH or daylight in critical conditions.
Hi Sara,
ReplyDeleteAs starting point, we have seen together some possible way to work in GC in order to parametrically modeling “simple plane included modular circle pores with adjustable radius to react” to something (in the case we exemplified, a moving point). I hope the provided example shows you potential ideas about what you can do in GC. The relationships used in the sketch model/example we did are not meaningful. This just helps to start understanding how to work in GC. But it is quite important you start as soon as possible in structuring in the GC model relationships that are meaningful. These should be inspired by the sponge system you are analyzing, but should also immediately take into consideration materialization in architecture. I think you should start therefore talking also about materials and technical construction of your skin system.
Just a few questions prompted by the image you've posted here, Sara:
ReplyDelete- in such a design do the openings connect through the body of material via tubes (for example) or do they give access to the enclosed void or mass?
- are the openings fixed in size and position, with variation occurring by their being open or closed (or partially open/closed)?
... or do connecting tubes (if any) expand and contract at some points (or their entire length) in addition to the surfaces?
You may not know the best answer(s) to these and similar questions yet, but you should choose some as starting points for your modeling and testing, and change them as needed if the test results are not satisfactory.
(e-mail answer for discussing a GC file)
ReplyDeleteHi Sara,
I cannot open your file since I work with an older GC Version. I will try to get on a machine the new version - in the meanwhile, could you please send me a version saved for previous edition of the software? (if your version allows to do it).
I do not think a moving point might be a good representation of changing humidity. What might be an example of parametric modeling of variations with respect to humidity does not have necessarily to include reaction to geometrical entities. You can also simply describe out of GC factors affecting the humidity. I.e. you describe a few scenarios of different possible RH. And a few scenarios of what your skin can do with water (and how – example: high humidity and high temperature will need specific radii to condensate, high humidity and cold temperature requires different radii, and so on). You can then model in GC the specific porous' behavior you know you need to react to the different scenarios (example: parametric changing radius).
You might use your moving point if you are representing sun for the daylight issue. Example: for orienting the cylinder-like porous by following the sun.
In this sense, by Monday you have to take into consideration the material issue. Which by Monday does not implies details and deep searching, but will have to provide some brief idea on what the porous we are seeing moving on your PC screen can be in the architectural reality. This helps you in developing a GC model (it is meant now as part of it) - do not take it as additional work (just do it in your mind while developing your parametric model). For the presentation, just a hand sketch or something really quick will be enough to communicate the materialization aspects embedded by your GC sketch model.
About circle in XZplane. Since I cannot open your file, I am just guessing what the problem might be: before generating anything on a plane, you have to switch the active drawing plane to the one you whish (do it from the top left corner of the GC interface).
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete(substituting here the comment I posted few minutes ago, where for mistake I left on the script the entity line instead of changing it in a double)
ReplyDeleteHi Sara,
Please, post on your blog some screenshots of your GC file in order to make explicit also to the others what we are talking about.
In the meanwhile, as you requested, here the summary of what discussed today by voice.
To start, you are working on deformable cylinder-like shapes – which are supposed to act like porous of your sponge. What they are in terms of architectural skin still needs to be further investigated, but as general idea you suggested they are holes reacting to different levels of RH. Aim of their reaction is condensing water.
Here a few comments from a general point of view. If you want to work with water condensation, probably some studies on water condensation principles might help you in both defining your design solution and parameterize the system you are proposing.
Examples: what is the effect you can get on water condensation by changing the radius of your cylindrical holes? In what way the geometry of these porous affect the desired condensation? And other similar questions.
This means that your GC model should keep into consideration the physical effect you want achieve (water condensation or other factors you are working on) and should parametrically represent reactions (changing radius or other eventual variations) which are meaningful with respect to them.
It can be through one independent parameter like you are doing till now (RH value) or through more than one (fore example you might introduce temperature as second independent value if temperature might affect water condensation principles you are applying – or other similar reasoning).
Here also a few comments on you GC file. I installed the newest version, so feel now free to send me your files again. I do not have your most recent file, however what I recall we have seen together was:
transaction modelBased "Add circle01, circle02, circle03"
feature circle01 Bentley.GC.Circle
Function = function (Point pt01, double rh, CoordinateSystem cs)
Circle cr01 = {};
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
cr01[i] = {};
for (int j = 0; j < 11; j++)
cr01[i][j] = new Circle();
cr01[i][j].ByCenterRadius(pt01[i][j], 3/rh, cs.XYPlane);
return cr01;
FunctionArguments = {point01,RH,baseCS};
feature circle02 Bentley.GC.Circle
Function = function (Point pt01, double rh, Plane pl)
Circle cr01 = {};
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
cr01[i] = {};
for (int j = 0; j < 11; j++)
cr01[i][j] = new Circle();
cr01[i][j].ByCenterRadius(pt01[i][j], (3/rh)*2, pl);
return cr01;
FunctionArguments = {point03,RH,plane01};
feature circle03 Bentley.GC.Circle
Function = function (Point pt01, double rh, Plane pl)
Circle cr01 = {};
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
cr01[i] = {};
for (int j = 0; j < 11; j++)
cr01[i][j] = new Circle();
cr01[i][j].ByCenterRadius(pt01[i][j], 40/rh, pl);
return cr01;
FunctionArguments = {point04,RH,plane01};
Where the radius of every of the 3 circles is varying with respect to your variable RH. You set: 3/RH, 3/RH*2, RH/40 (or something like that, I might be wrong in remembering it exactly). Why? What the meaning of that? Proportions between RH and the radius become in this case the key point where you are setting the parametric relationships that describe the behavior of your sponge-like skin system.
Waiting for posting snapshots on the blog and eventually new GC file.